Mayerthorpe Cemetery
The care, operation, administration and regulation of the Mayerthorpe Cemetery are the sole responsibility of the Council of the Town of Mayerthorpe. Council of the Town of Mayerthorpe obtains grassroots recommendations from the Town of Mayerthorpe Cemetery Committee and works in collaboration with the Mayerthorpe and District Cemetery Association, to strive towards providing a quiet, beautiful resting place for the deceased, where varied foliage of trees and shrubbery shall give a sense of repose.
Town Staff are ready to assist you with your burial needs - whether you are a current plot or columbarium niche owner or are searching for a future resting place for yourself or your loved ones.
Contact the Town Office to answer any questions you may have about plot or columbarium niche ownership or to purchase plot(s) or columbarium niche(s) at the Mayerthorpe Cemetery.
Bylaw No. 1169 Cemetery Operational Practices
Cemetery and Columbarium Guide